
Does Alcohol Affect Sperm? What You Should Know

Paula James-Martinez

Does Alcohol Affect Sperm? What You Should Know

Let's talk about something that doesn't get enough attention in the fertility conversation: how alcohol affects our reproductive health.

If you and your significant other are trying to conceive, you've probably heard the suggestion that women should cut back on glasses of wine. But what about him, does alcohol impact male fertility too? Let's dive into what science says about alcohol and male fertility.

Tldr on Alcohol Guidelines

First things first, let's look at the amounts that are considered "normal" drinking and the recommendations:

  • For overall health, adults should stick to no more than 2 drinks or less in a day for men and 1 drink or less in a day for women.
  • About one in four men exceed these limits.
  • Binge drinking (that's 5+ drinks in 2-3 hours for men) can spell trouble for sperm.
  • If a man is knocking back more than 14 drinks a week, it could lower his testosterone and sperm count per recent studies.

How Exactly Does Alcohol Affect Sperm?

Alcohol can be a real party pooper when it comes to sperm health. Here's what it does:

  1. Changes sperm count, size, shape, and how well they swim (aka motility)
  2. Lowers testosterone and messes with other important hormones
  3. Can actually shrink the testicles (ouch!)
  4. Might cause early ejaculation or decreased ejaculation
  5. Can even alter sperm DNA (hello, potential hereditary issues)

And ladies, if your guy is mixing alcohol with other substances like marijuana, it's a double whammy for fertility.

Should Your Man Go Cold Turkey When You're Trying to Conceive?

Here's a plot twist: your partner doesn't necessarily need to swear off alcohol completely. Some studies suggest that moderate drinking (less than five drinks a week) might not hurt and could even have some benefits. But if he's a heavy drinker, cutting back could make a big difference.

The good news? Sperm are resilient little guys. After about three months of lighter drinking, you might see improvements in his swimmers.

What About Us, Girls?

While we're focusing on the guys today, it's worth mentioning that alcohol affects our fertility too. Heavy drinking can mess with our cycles, hormone levels, and make it harder to get pregnant. And of course, drinking during pregnancy is a big no-no.

Tips to Help Your Man Cut Back

If your partner needs to ease up on the alcohol, here are some tips you can try together:

  1. Plan some alcohol-free date nights
  2. Stock up on tasty non-alcoholic alternatives
  3. Set a drink limit for social events
  4. Encourage him to alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
  5. Cook delicious meals to enjoy before or while drinking
  6. Find new ways to de-stress together, like yoga or hiking

More Ways to Boost His Fertility

Aside from watching his alcohol intake, here are some other fertility boosters for your man:

  1. Get moving together – regular exercise can boost his testosterone
  2. Try couples' meditation or other stress-busting activities
  3. Encourage good sleep habits (maybe treat yourselves to some cozy new bedding?)
  4. Cook Mediterranean-style meals rich in fruits, veggies, seafood, and whole grains
  5. Support your gut health including taking pre and probiotics, like Needed Sperm Support.

Remember, fertility is a team sport. By supporting each other in making healthy lifestyle choices, you're giving yourselves the best shot at conception.

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Paula James-Martinez, Filmmaker and Editorial Director

Paula James Martinez is a writer, filmmaker, and women's health advocate. She is the director and producer of the documentary Born Free, which investigates the truth about birth and maternal health America. Sits on the boards of non-profit organization "The Mother Lovers" and "4Kira4Moms" to raise awareness of the US maternal health crisis, and co-hosts the parenting podcast "Scruunchy."
