High Fertility vs Peak Fertility; What's the Difference?

Trying to conceive can be a confusing time. In this blog, we’re looking at one aspect of the TTC journey - high fertility and peak fertility. What are high fertility and peak fertility? How are they different? Is one better than the other? Let’s take a look!

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High Fertility vs Peak Fertility; What's the Difference?

What Causes Male Infertility?

There are many causes of infertility. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that can cause infertility in men, and what we can do to support them. 

What is male infertility?

Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the...

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What Causes Male Infertility?

What are the Signs of Ovulation?

Signs of Ovulation

Many of us go through life, cycle after cycle, without paying much attention to how our bodies change throughout the different phases of the menstrual cycle. But when we start to think about the TTC phase, ovulation becomes important. 

Knowing when you’re ovulating is...

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What are the Signs of Ovulation?

Pollution’s Hidden Toll: Declining Sperm Counts

At Needed we are very aware of the correlation between the state of our planet and the state of our health. From depleted nutrients in food caused by modern farming and food processing techniques, to the risks of toxins like PFAS and heavy metals.

We often think about how our...

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Pollution’s Hidden Toll: Declining Sperm Counts