Pregnancy is a wild paradox. It’s both the most common, every-day occurrence and the most incredibly profound process of transformation. At the moment of conception, you are physically and mentally altered and will remain so for at least 1-2 years (or whenever lactation has come to an end). You leave behind the body an identity you once knew and become someone different and grow someone new. With that, there can be expected and appropriate growing pains.
Typically, the common side effects of early pregnancy (nausea, headaches, insomnia, constipation, fatigue, etc.) begin around 6-9 weeks gestation. All these new sensations and hormones can very much affect your mental state and wreak havoc on your emotions, if not properly supported. If this is your first pregnancy, everything is new and feels different. With that, there can be some anxiety and fear that comes up, along with many Google searches to find out: ‘is this normal?’. With subsequent pregnancies, while there is less shock of what to expect, there’s the added stressor of caring for older children and yourself that can pose new challenges.
During these early days and weeks, it’s customary in our culture to not share your pregnancy news until the baby is outside the window of high-risk for miscarriage. You are generally advised to wait until after you receive your baby’s genetic test results or at least until the 12-week mark. While of course there is some sense in this standardized approach, this is a long time from the moment you pee on a pregnancy test strip to the beginning of the second trimester. It can feel like you're on a lonely island with these new sensations and changes in your body all whilst pretending amongst your family, friends, and co-workers to still be you. This can bring on such a mixed bag of emotions. You can feel incredibly high at times and/or generally low.
Tips for Addressing the Physical Side Effects
Here are some things I recommend to address the physical side effects alone, which in turn can positively impact your mental health:
Eat every 1-2 hours
Your metabolism is at an all-time high in the early weeks, so it’s required to nourish yourself and your rapidly growing baby. This can help curb nausea and insomnia from low blood sugar (babies grow at night) as well as process all the increased hormones much more readily. Ideally this food content would be high fat and high protein as they are the strongest building blocks for the development of cells, tissues and bones but they will also help stabilize your blood sugar longer.
Drink at least 60-90 oz of fluid/day
It’s best to take small sips of liquid as too much at one time can trigger more nausea. Water doesn’t always sound appetizing when your stomach feels like you’re on a rocky boat, so mix it up with drinking tea, bone broth, coconut water, juice etc. Regardless of what it is, make sure you are getting enough in the day as dehydration can increase nausea, fatigue and constipation.
Take supplements to help with the nausea
This includes 25-100 mg of B6, 300 mg-2 g of Ginger Root, and 1000 mcg of Folate (in addition to what’s in your prenatal vitamin). A side note about supplements in general – sometimes the act of swallowing a large pill can trigger a gag reflex or consuming so many extra nutrients at once can make one feel more nauseous. My suggestion is to take your prenatal vitamins in the evening after a whole day’s worth of food in your system and/or switch to a gummy prenatal for the time being.
Go for small, daily walks
Engaging in 20-30 minutes of cardio will help process the pregnancy hormones while flooding your body with endorphins, giving you that extra boost in energy. While it’s the last thing you may want to do, it may be the very antidote that’s needed.
Nap regularly
The fatigue, especially in the first and third trimesters, is real. Trying to get through the day by not resting your body is not only going to exacerbate any physical symptoms, but also make for a more fragile nervous system and state of mind. We live in a productivity culture which creates a complex around feeling anxious, fearful, and sadness when we are not able to tackle everything on our to-do list as a reflection of our worth and value. But let this be your reminder that making a brand-new human inside your body is maybe the most productive thing you can do. So even when you’re laying on the couch sleeping, you’re winning!
Receive regular acupuncture
This modality can be incredibly helpful for increasing blood flow and processing hormones, which in turn helps address a handful of said side effects all at once. Ideally you receive weekly treatment for the first trimester (and again in the last month of pregnancy to prime your body for giving birth). Furthermore, besides the physical benefits, scheduling this time for yourself to rest and hopefully quiet the mind is self-care and can go a long way for your mental health.
Especially when overwhelmed or frustrated. This has a direct impact of lowering your pulse, blood pressure and stress hormones which can decrease the sensation of discomfort in your body.
Be kind and gracious to yourself
This is new territory – even if this pregnancy is not your first, it’s the first time you are carrying this baby, at this point in your life. You don't have to love every moment as it's a big transition. You are metaphorically saying goodbye to an identity and role you once had in order to make space for the person you are becoming and will be. With this change, naturally there is some grief.
The Bottom Line
Some suggestions to take care of your mental health are to journal, talk it out with friends, family or a therapist who specialize in pregnancy and parenthood. Allow the emotions to come through as it can help you reach the gratitude piece in this experience. Lastly, remember that with this little person growing rapidly in your body, so is your capability. We are made for this. You are made for this.