Why Do We Need More Collagen As We Age?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It provides structural support throughout the body and supports the health and integrity of the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. 

However, as we get older, our bodies experience several physiological changes that affect how we produce and maintain...

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Why Do We Need More Collagen As We Age?

Perimenopause: What Are the Real Signs and How to Manage Them

Perimenopause seems to be popping everywhere at the moment. At least for a women of a certain age (like myself), it's seems to be showing up more and more in social feeds, discussed in favorite podcasts, and is frequently blamed for various odd ailments—ranging from feeling too hot to...

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Perimenopause: What Are the Real Signs and How to Manage Them

Microchimerism: A complex memento of pregnancy

You may have heard the poetic phrase, "Your baby's DNA lives in your bloodstream forever." To many, this evokes a sense of everlasting connection between mother and child. But what does the science say? This phenomenon, known as microchimerism, is a subject of growing research which is why Needed...

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Microchimerism: A complex memento of pregnancy

Boost Your Family's Immune System While Traveling This Summer

Summer break in full swing is the perfect time for family vacations, road trips, and beach getaways. However, along with all the excitement, there is also crowded transportation, messed-up sleep, and let’s be honest, a little bit of stress involved in getting everyone to your destination. If...

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Boost Your Family's Immune System While Traveling This Summer