Pregnancy is a ten-month-long journey with many physical, mental and emotional changes, so you may be surprised to learn that some people can go into labor without realizing they are even pregnant. As many as 1 in every 475 pregnancies are “cryptic pregnancies,” meaning they go undetected or unnoticed. This post will explore cryptic pregnancy symptoms, causes, and how they differ from a traditional pregnancy.
What is a Cryptic Pregnancy?
A cryptic pregnancy, also known as a stealth pregnancy, occurs when a person is unaware of their pregnancy late or even until labor begins. Cryptic pregnancies are pretty rare and can happen for a number of reasons. Some reasons could be:
- Chalking up your missed period for an irregular period
- Subtle or absent pregnancy symptoms
- Health conditions that mask typical signs
Some early pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, high emotions and a change in appetite may be easily mistaken for a minor illness. In some cases, even a pregnancy test can give a false negative result, making a cryptic pregnancy even more believable.
How Common are Cryptic Pregnancies?
Despite how rare it sounds, cryptic pregnancies aren't entirely uncommon. 1 in 475 pregnancies goes unrecognized until well into the second trimester, around 20 weeks. 1 in 2,500 pregnancies remain undetected until labor.
Who is More at Risk of a Cryptic Pregnancy?
Cryptic pregnancies can happen to anyone, but certain factors can increase your risk, such as:
- Recent birth: Your period may take several months to return after childbirth, especially if you're chestfeeding (breastfeeding), and it’s difficult to predict when you’re ovulating, so you may not know you’re pregnant for several weeks
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): People with PCOS usually have irregular periods and cannot pinpoint the days when they are fertile, making it harder to recognize a missed period as a sign of pregnancy.
- Birth control: Even when used correctly, birth control isn’t 100% effective, and so pregnancy may go unnoticed.
- Perimenopause: The perimenopause years usually start in the early 40s, and for some, even the late 30s. People may mistake pregnancy symptoms for menopause or assume they are too old to conceive.
- First-time pregnancy: If you've never been pregnant before, you may not recognize the symptoms, making it easier to overlook.
- Previous cryptic pregnancy: People who have had a cryptic pregnancy before may be more likely to experience it again.
- Irregular menstrual cycles: Irregular periods make it challenging to notice changes in your cycle, making it harder to identify a cryptic pregnancy.
Will a Cryptic Pregnancy Show on a Pregnancy Test?
In theory, yes, because cryptic pregnancies are still normal pregnancies–but that does not mean there can’t be mistakes or user errors. During pregnancy, at-home tests detect hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the pregnancy hormone. However, in cryptic pregnancies, these hormone levels might not be significant enough to be detected, leading to false negatives. You also have to make sure you’re using the test correctly–wait until a few days after a missed period and follow the instructions on the packaging.
Do You Get Your Period in a Cryptic Pregnancy?
No, you should not get your period during a cryptic pregnancy. In some cases, as with regular pregnancies, there may be implantation bleeding or spotting. If you suspect you’re pregnant and are still having a regular monthly period, see your healthcare provider ASAP.
What Causes a Cryptic Pregnancy?
Cryptic pregnancies are simply pregnancies that go undetected, so there can be many reasons–from stress and anxiety masking the symptoms to incorrectly believing you cannot get pregnant. Other causes are irregular menstrual cycles, making it hard to track or notice missed periods or dismissing early pregnancy symptoms for other common ailments.
What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Cryptic Pregnancy?
The first few weeks of a cryptic pregnancy may be completely asymptomatic or have symptoms you can easily dismiss, like fatigue. Common signs and symptoms of a cryptic
Minimal or No Morning Sickness
If you think a lack of morning sickness means you’re not pregnant, think again. Even people with normal pregnancies report little to no nausea. For people with cryptic pregnancies, they may have no nausea or any other symptoms, so they don’t suspect they’ll get pregnant.
Negative / Inconclusive Pregnancy Tests
Negative pregnancy tests can be for a few reasons:
- The test was not taken correctly–your urine was too diluted, or you did not wait until after a missed period.
- Hormone levels can be too low to prompt a positive test result.
Limited Physical Changes
We generally associate pregnancy with noticeable physical changes – a growing belly, weight gain, or changes in body shape. Surprisingly, cryptic pregnancies often don’t have any of these. Physical changes may be subtle or even non-existent.
One of the telltale signs of pregnancy is a missed period, so continuing to have bleeding that is like a period may be confusing. You cannot physically have your period while pregnant, but you can have spotting or implementation bleeding, especially, during the first trimester.
Subtle Fetal Movement
Feeling the baby move as pregnancy progresses is normal. In cryptic pregnancies, these movements are faint or infrequent, leading many to dismiss the movements as minor digestive issues. Ignoring such signs could mean missing the most precious signal from your body.
No or Delayed Breast Changes
Breast tenderness and enlargement are early signs of pregnancy–so if your breasts don’t change, then you may not suspect you’re pregnant at all.
Fatigue is a common pregnancy symptom driven by hormonal changes—especially the rise in progesterone—which can leave you feeling unusually tired. During a cryptic pregnancy, you may not notice a change in your energy levels at all. Conversely, extreme tiredness is often mistaken for everyday exhaustion from work, stress, or lack of sleep, making it easy to overlook as a sign of pregnancy.
Backache and Abdominal Discomfort
Backaches and abdominal discomfort are typical pregnancy symptoms, especially as the belly expands. In cryptic pregnancies, discomfort or aches can be easily mistaken for unrelated issues like a sore back or digestive problems. As a result, people may not recognize these as signs of pregnancy.
Gastrointestinal Changes
Bloating, constipation and indigestion are common pregnancy signs, but in cryptic pregnancies, these symptoms are often dismissed. They can be chalked up to dietary issues or minor digestive problems, leaving the person unaware that they might actually be pregnant.
How Is Cryptic Pregnancy Diagnosed?
Diagnosing a cryptic pregnancy can be challenging, depending on a few factors. Clinical exams and ultrasounds are usually the go-to tools for confirmation. However, additional diagnostic methods include blood tests, MRI, and even reviewing a patient's medical history. Here are some methods:
- Clinical Examination: During a routine check-up, doctors might notice something unusual, prompting further investigation.
- Blood Tests: Measuring specific hormone levels can reveal the hidden pregnancy.
- Ultrasound: This is the most effective method for detecting a fetus that might not be visible otherwise.
- MRI: In rare, inconclusive cases, MRI helps confirm pregnancy.
- Patient History: Reviewing previous medical records for clues can be crucial.
Generally speaking, the regular methods to confirm a pregnancy can also be utilized in cryptic pregnancies, though your provider may need to conduct multiple tests.
Are There Any Risks Associated With Cryptic Pregnancies?
Without prenatal care, the risks to both parent and baby escalate significantly. Lacking proper monitoring can lead to conditions like gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Complications can arise from the absence of essential prenatal nutrients, too. This scenario can result in a number of problems, like low birth weight and developmental issues for the baby.
Maternal Risks
A cryptic pregnancy can pose several maternal risks due to the absence of proper prenatal care. Without early monitoring, complications like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and other pregnancy-related health issues can go undetected. Inadequate nutrition and poor weight gain are also potential issues. Additionally, cryptic pregnancies may pose a higher risk of developing postpartum depression, as the sudden realization of pregnancy can leave them feeling unprepared for taking care of a newborn.
Fetal Risks
Lack of prenatal care also poses a significant risk to the growing fetus. Without regular monitoring from a healthcare professional, poor maternal nutrition may lead to low birth weight and developmental issues. The risk of preterm labor is also higher. Additionally, labor and delivery can be more complicated, with an increased chance of emergency C-sections or labor-related injuries. An early pregnancy diagnosis and prenatal care are important to help prevent potential complications and improve outcomes for both parent and child.
How to Cope With a Cryptic Pregnancy
Discovering a pregnancy weeks or even months into the pregnancy can be shocking. When it comes to cryptic pregnancies, that’s what happens. While rare, it can happen to anybody – there are steps you can take to ensure both your health and your baby's.
- Seek medical care: The first and most crucial step is to visit a healthcare provider. This ensures your and your baby's health. Regular check-ups and prenatal care, such as ultrasounds and blood tests, are vital.
- Up your nutrition game: What you eat during these months is so important. Look at your overall diet and invest in a great prenatal supplement.
- Address emotional and mental health: Discovering a cryptic pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster. You might feel a mix of distress, shame, and guilt. It's okay – these feelings are normal. Professional mental health support can be invaluable.
- Find support systems: A supportive network is crucial. Whether it's family, friends, or a professional counselor, having people around you can provide emotional stability and practical advice. Support systems can help alleviate feelings of isolation and offer a sense of normalcy.